How This New Trend in Family Law Could Hurt You

Author: Colin Neubauer | | Categories: Family Law

How This New Trend in Family Law Could Hurt You

When it comes to the practice of law, there are numerous trends that can have either a positive or negative impact on the outcome of our cases. While several of these trends improve your chances of getting a ruling in your favor, there are many that do more damage to your case that you can imagine.

One such trend that we have witnessed recently is that more parties to a family law matter are choosing to represent themselves when litigating, or choosing not to retain legal counsel when negotiating and/drafting the terms of a domestic contract (Separation Agreement, Cohabitation Agreement, Marriage Contract, etc.)

We believe that when a party chooses not to retain legal counsel or not to obtain independent legal advice, that party runs the risk of making uninformed decisions regarding very important issues. These decisions will affect their future and the future of their family.

When choosing to represent one's self when handling a family law matter, one may save the initial legal fees regularly incurred when litigating a family law matter or when resolving a family law matter between counsel either through negotiation or via the collaborative process.

By retaining counsel, or, at a minimum, obtaining independent legal advice, parties can rest assured that they will be making decisions, which have an effect on them and their families, with the aid of a trained legal professional.

To avoid the risk of making uninformed decisions which may cause serious detriment to both you and your family, it makes sense to engage a legal professional from the onset of your matter to avoid the possibility of incurring significant legal fees in the future as a result of reaching a 'resolution' which may not be legally sound or which may not resolve all issues.

With over forty years of legal experience serving clients in the Durham Region, lawyers and legal assistants at Neubauer Law Office provide competent, compassionate advice and services delivered in a cost-effective manner.

If you have any questions about Neubauer Law Office, please contact us by clicking here. To learn more about our areas of practice, please click here.

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